Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Only Disability is Having a Bad Attitude

Last night we had our first friendship visit with the Arc of Cook County. There I met a young man named Eric who has down syndrome. Eric works for the Arc as an advocacy speaker. He goes around the area to speak about down syndrome and is currently working with the state legislature to make more accommodating and fair laws for the disabled. We need to remember that no one should be defined by what they cannot do but rather what they can do. Unfortunately, the majority of society would see Eric on the street and assume that he would not be able to maintain such important tasks because he has down syndrome. Eric is a perfect example of how no one should ever be judged and every individual has a unique quality that can benefit society. All we have to do is invest the time in each other to learn those qualities that we each possess.


  1. Craig,

    Sounds like you are already having a great trip and meeting some pretty incredible people. And it's only the first few days!!! Enjoy every minute as they will go very fast.

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